What is the difference between different types of climbing holds?

Jugs are cup-shaped climbing holds that you can grip with your entire hand. It provides a good grip and feels secure when moving your hands from one hold to another. Jug climbing holds are great for beginners and kids alike.

Pinches are climbing holds that you have to squeeze to hold. It takes some technique to hold. Pinches can range in size from small holds you need to squeeze with thumb and index finger to larger holds that fill out the entire palm.

Pockets climbing holds the only fit a few fingers. The small pockets place great demands on finger strength and technique, and they are not recommended for beginners. Some pocket climbing holds have two pockets so they can be held with two hands.

Slopers are large climbing holds that must be gripped with an open palm. There are no pockets or grooves that your fingers can hold on to. Slopers are quite advanced climbing holds and require some climbing experience.

Crimps are tiny climbing holds that are often held with an almost closed hand and the tips of your fingers pointing downwards. Crimps are tough !!

Footholds are climbing holds designed for the feet. They may be like small mouldings where there is only room for the tip of the toe, or they may be larger and more round and require more contact between the foot and climbing holds.

Mix packages are climbing hold packs with a mix of different climbing hold types. They are available in packs of 15 to 50 climbing holds.

Climbing holds for children are large or smaller climbing holds designed for children. For example, we have packs of different colors, climbing holds shaped like letters, numbers and mroe shapes.

Screw Ons are climbing holds that are mounted with wood screws. Screw Ons are available in various sizes and types.

Bridges are large bridges that are used in the roof and overhangs of a climbing wall. Bridges can be gripped around with your whole hand.

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