Beastmaker Hangboards / Fingerboards for Climbers

 Beastmaker Hangboards / Fingerboards for Climbers

Beastmaker 1000 and Beastmaker 2000 are hangboards / fingerboards for training fingers and forearms.

2 Item(s)
Beastmaker 1000 hangboard til træning af fingerstyrke klatring
134.00 EUR

- 11 left in stock

Beastmaker 2000 hangboard til træning af fingerstyrke klatring
119.00 EUR

- 5 left in stock

2 Item(s)

Beastmaker Hangboards- Hangboards for climbing training

English Beastmaker has been designing and producing hangboards / fingerboards since 2007. A finger training board is brilliant for training finger muscles and forearms. The hangboard can be set up in your home so you always have the exercise option close, and the clean and simple design is actually quite nice to look at. Last shot on the Beastmaker stem is a Bawl - a large ball-shaped wooden grip that can either be used as a training part next to the hangboard, or as an extra-large climbing grip on the climbing wall. Bawl is good for training open demolition grips.

Exercise equipment with a focus on sustainability

Beastmaker uses only FSC certified tulipwood from the northern part of the United States. The FSC stands for the Forestry Stewardship Council, and here it only approves timber from forestry grown in an "environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable manner." In other words, FSC is the customer's guarantee that the tree does not come from unsustainable forestry. Running a production workshop 5 days a week requires a certain amount of energy. 100% of Beastmaker's electricity consumption comes from renewable energy sources, primarily from wind farms. In production, they recycle as much material as possible. Also, the boxes that your Beastmaker hangboard comes in are made of recyclable cardboard, and Beastmaker encourages everyone to not just throw the boxes out, but to make sure they can be recycled.

Beastmaker App

Buy it! Super cool training app for both Beastmaker 1000 and Beastmaker 2000. The exercises are graduated from 5A to 7C and for each level there are 18 different exercises where there is a guarantee to get the whole board around: Find the app on Apples App Store or Googles Play Store