We have talked about how important the core is for our us climbers, but recently there has been talk about stability being as vital (or even more so) than core strength. Let’s define these first, shall we?

Core Strength

This refers to the amount of force your core can endure in a certain amount of time while doing an activity or movement. You’ve probably experienced difficulty climbing over roofs because you lack the core power to pull yourself up. It is the powerhouse of the body after all, and utilizing this area will enable you to make more dynamic moves when climbing.

Core Stability

Hearing the term stability in the climbing community is rampant-described as the ability to engage all muscles to withstand an external force, this comes in handy when solving slab boulder problems and practicing the static style of climbing.

Imagine riding a bike. To keep your balance, you need to keep the spine aligned to keep your stance stable. There should be minimum stress, and to achieve this you have to activate all the connected muscle groups.


That being said, it is not really a versus issue. Actually, it is even better to train for both because it comes hand in hand. When rocking over, your foot needs to be steady on the hold and at the same time, you must trust on that foot and use your core to exert force to the other side. It is a swift movement, simple and often used in climbing. But the qualities needed to do it correctly is also complicated, a network of muscle groups working harmoniously together.



Post Climbing Training to Strengthen your Core 

We can climb as often as we can (and want) to be able to get better, faster, stronger, but post climbing training is essential as always. You can do the following exercises to get a head start in improving your core stability. 

Here are some exercises suggestions to improve your core: 

 •  Mountain climbers on steroids

•  Alternate hand and leg (bird pose)

•  Russian twist

•  Rotational lunge

•  Plank training 

For more tips, tricks and hacks about your core as a climber, read this blog post specifically about core training!


That's it for now, my dear climbing friends. I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to share it on your social media or with your friends.
Take care, and stay safe! 

- Julie


About the author 
Julie Gjørtz

Digital Marketing Manager & Boulder
As Gubbies Digital Marketing Manager, it's Julie's job to keep up with the freshest information from the climbing world and communicate them to you. Have any questions about anything she writes? Don't hesitate to reach out!  She can't wait to share her climbing-geekiness with you!