Exballs 10

Stock status explained

What does the stock status mean?

593X pcs. in stock - The product is in stock in the specified quantity.
The product is available in our warehouse. Your order will be dispatched the same day from our Danish warehouse via GLS, if ordered before 1 PM.

592Only X pcs. left - The product is in stock but in a limited quantity. We can only deliver the number of products listed right away. Products out of stock will be back-ordered. 

577Back in XX days - The product is currently out of stock. Potential leadtime is specified as a number of days. This means that we order the product from our supplier when you place an order for the product. You can expect to have it after the specified number of days + normal freight time


Restock DD/MM/YY - The product is out of stock at the moment, but it is ordered from our supplier already. You can place an order for the product. We expect to be able to ship it from our warehouse on the specified date.

Mixed stock status

 If an order is created that contains both in stock and out of stock items, we will send the order to you when all items are in stock. If you want to split the delivery into two deliveries, you must place two orders. 

EXBALLS 10 for training
2 pcs. coloured balls
Training balls for home

50.00 EUR




EXBALLS 10 from Expression

EXBALLS 10 is the big sister to EXBALLS 8. This size requires extra willpower and dexterity to train. The size means that extra effort must be put into training pull ups on these training balls. EXBALLS 10 is for the experienced climber or for people with fairly large hands.

EXBALLS are hung in the ceiling at home or in the climbing club. Here you can find static ropes in several different colors for hanging

Further specification:
10 cm in diametre
Material: Polyester
Weight: 1.62 kg


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